NOVA 2021 Spring Conference
March 10 - 12, 2021
United States
About the Event
NOVA hosts two seminars a year, one in the fall and one in the spring. The NOVA 2021 Spring Conference will be held as a virtual, online-only conference. We will not have separate fundamental and general sessions for this virtual conference. We will instead hold one three-day program on March 10-12, 2021. This conference is intended for both new and experienced veterans law practitioners. The seminar will increase your knowledge, confidence, and expertise in representing veterans before the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). In addition, your time may be credited to your jurisdiction’s CLE requirements. The conference is filled with a wide array of interesting and informative topics and presenters over the course of 3 days. We hope you join us!
Registration Details
After careful consideration of member feedback and given the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic, NOVA will once again host a virtual conference for our Spring 2021 event. We will not have separate fundamental and general sessions for this virtual conference. We will instead hold one three-day program on March 10-12, 2021. If you choose to join us you will just register as a member, nonmember, or student and your registration will grant you access to the entire, three-day event.
*PLEASE NOTE * If you possess a student membership with NOVA as a Law Professor, please register under the NOVA Member rate. The student rate is reserved for active full-time law students.
We will start a little later on Wednesday and Thursday morning to accommodate our members on the West Coast – please click on the AGENDA tab to learn more about our schedule.
Finally, we plan to host a virtual social event on Thursday to provide an opportunity for more networking. We appreciate that there is no replacement for in-person interaction, but many people asked for an opportunity to connect in an informal setting. NOVA staff will send additional information once it is available.
NOVA's Spring Conference Exhibitors